
The Online Commentary is a non-profit project, supported by a strong community (Membership list, List of additional supporters).

Interested people who share the basic idea of the Online Commentary can become members of the association. If you are interested, the best way to reach us is by e-mail.

The membership fees are:

  • Fr. 100 for individuals

  • Fr. 1'000 for legal entities (from Fr. 1'500 with logo on the member list)

  • Fr. 50 for students, bar exam candidates, doctoral students and people with low income.

The membership fee can be paid with Twint, or transferred to the following account at PostFinance:

Account No: 15-756400-2

IBAN: CH45 0900 0000 1575 6400 2


Account holder: Verein Onlinekommentar, 3095 Spiegel b. Bern

You would like to support the project but not become a member of the association? We will gladly accept donations on Twint or to the above mentioned postal account.