- Art. 3 FC
- Art. 5a FC
- Art. 6 FC
- Art. 10 FC
- Art. 16 FC
- Art. 17 FC
- Art. 20 FC
- Art. 22 FC
- Art. 29a FC
- Art. 30 FC
- Art. 32 FC
- Art. 42 FC
- Art. 43 FC
- Art. 43a FC
- Art. 55 FC
- Art. 56 FC
- Art. 60 FC
- Art. 68 FC
- Art. 75b FC
- Art. 77 FC
- Art. 96 para. 2 lit. a FC
- Art. 110 FC
- Art. 117a FC
- Art. 118 FC
- Art. 123b FC
- Art. 136 FC
- Art. 166 FC
- Art. 11 CO
- Art. 12 CO
- Art. 50 CO
- Art. 51 CO
- Art. 84 CO
- Art. 143 CO
- Art. 144 CO
- Art. 145 CO
- Art. 146 CO
- Art. 147 CO
- Art. 148 CO
- Art. 149 CO
- Art. 150 CO
- Art. 701 CO
- Art. 715 CO
- Art. 715a CO
- Art. 734f CO
- Art. 785 CO
- Art. 786 CO
- Art. 787 CO
- Art. 788 CO
- Transitional provisions to the revision of the Stock Corporation Act of June 19, 2020
- Art. 808c CO
- Art. 2 PRA
- Art. 3 PRA
- Art. 4 PRA
- Art. 6 PRA
- Art. 10 PRA
- Art. 10a PRA
- Art. 11 PRA
- Art. 12 PRA
- Art. 13 PRA
- Art. 14 PRA
- Art. 15 PRA
- Art. 16 PRA
- Art. 17 PRA
- Art. 19 PRA
- Art. 20 PRA
- Art. 21 PRA
- Art. 22 PRA
- Art. 23 PRA
- Art. 24 PRA
- Art. 25 PRA
- Art. 26 PRA
- Art. 27 PRA
- Art. 29 PRA
- Art. 30 PRA
- Art. 31 PRA
- Art. 32 PRA
- Art. 32a PRA
- Art. 33 PRA
- Art. 34 PRA
- Art. 35 PRA
- Art. 36 PRA
- Art. 37 PRA
- Art. 38 PRA
- Art. 39 PRA
- Art. 40 PRA
- Art. 41 PRA
- Art. 42 PRA
- Art. 43 PRA
- Art. 44 PRA
- Art. 45 PRA
- Art. 46 PRA
- Art. 47 PRA
- Art. 48 PRA
- Art. 49 PRA
- Art. 50 PRA
- Art. 51 PRA
- Art. 52 PRA
- Art. 53 PRA
- Art. 54 PRA
- Art. 55 PRA
- Art. 56 PRA
- Art. 57 PRA
- Art. 58 PRA
- Art. 59a PRA
- Art. 59b PRA
- Art. 59c PRA
- Art. 62 PRA
- Art. 63 PRA
- Art. 67 PRA
- Art. 67a PRA
- Art. 67b PRA
- Art. 73 PRA
- Art. 73a PRA
- Art. 75 PRA
- Art. 75a PRA
- Art. 76 PRA
- Art. 76a PRA
- Art. 90 PRA
- Vorb. zu Art. 1 FADP
- Art. 1 FADP
- Art. 2 FADP
- Art. 3 FADP
- Art. 5 lit. f und g FADP
- Art. 6 Abs. 6 and 7 FADP
- Art. 7 FADP
- Art. 10 FADP
- Art. 11 FADP
- Art. 12 FADP
- Art. 14 FADP
- Art. 15 FADP
- Art. 19 FADP
- Art. 20 FADP
- Art. 22 FADP
- Art. 23 FADP
- Art. 25 FADP
- Art. 26 FADP
- Art. 27 FADP
- Art. 31 para. 2 lit. e FADP
- Art. 33 FADP
- Art. 34 FADP
- Art. 35 FADP
- Art. 38 FADP
- Art. 39 FADP
- Art. 40 FADP
- Art. 41 FADP
- Art. 42 FADP
- Art. 43 FADP
- Art. 44 FADP
- Art. 44a FADP
- Art. 45 FADP
- Art. 46 FADP
- Art. 47 FADP
- Art. 47a FADP
- Art. 48 FADP
- Art. 49 FADP
- Art. 50 FADP
- Art. 51 FADP
- Art. 54 FADP
- Art. 57 FADP
- Art. 58 FADP
- Art. 60 FADP
- Art. 61 FADP
- Art. 62 FADP
- Art. 63 FADP
- Art. 64 FADP
- Art. 65 FADP
- Art. 66 FADP
- Art. 67 FADP
- Art. 69 FADP
- Art. 72 FADP
- Art. 72a FADP
- Art. 2 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 3 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 4 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 5 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 6 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 7 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 8 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 9 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 11 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 12 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 25 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 29 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 32 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 33 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- Art. 34 CCC (Convention on Cybercrime)
- I. Obligation of each joint and several debtor
- II. Civil procedure and debt enforcement
- III. Duration of the obligation
- Bibliography
I. Obligation of each joint and several debtor
A. General remarks
1 The creditor is in the comfortable position to claim either partial or full performance of the individual joint and several debtors (Art. 144 para. 1 CO). It is at the creditor’s discretion against which debtor they choose to proceed.
2 However, there are certain restrictions on the creditor’s right to choose against whom they want to proceed. Apart from contractual agreements that may restrict the creditor’s choice,
B. Partial joint and several liability
3 Generally, each joint and several debtor is liable for the same amount. Due to contractual agreement or individual grounds for reduction,
4 The claim for full performance against a debtor is limited to their individual obligation towards the creditor. Subsequently, the joint and several obligation only consists up to the individually-owed amount of the claimed debtor.
5 Example: The full performance amounts to 200. The joint and several debtors are A, B and C. A owes the full amount of 200, while B and C only owe 150 and 100, respectively. The creditor may not be satisfied to more than 200 and the partial joint and several liability among the debtors is limited to 100. If A performs 180, he or she primarily pays the individually exceeding amount of 50 that is not covered by B’s debt of 150 compared to A’s debt of 200. Thereafter, the remaining 130 is counted towards the joint and several obligation owed by B and C. B’s obligation of 150 is reduced by 130. Hence, B still owes 20. C is completely discharged due to the partial joint and several liability only being 100.
6 It is important to distinguish the partial joint and several liability from the internal compensation among the joint and several debtors. The former concerns the amount that the creditor may claim from all debtors regardless of their internal compensation. The latter regulates the recourse claim’s amount of the debtor that paid more than their fair share.
II. Civil procedure and debt enforcement
A. Civil procedure
7 While a creditor may claim full performance of one joint and several debtor, the creditor may also split up the performance among the debtors and proceed simultaneously or consecutively against all debtors.
B. Debt enforcement and bankruptcy
8 The creditor may also enforce the claim by means of the Federal Act on Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy (DEBA). As in the case of civil procedure, the creditor can pursue all joint and several debtors simultaneously or consecutively for the full amount.
9 If multiple joint and several debtors are declared bankrupt, the creditor may file for the full amount in each bankruptcy proceedings (Art. 216 para. 1 DEBA).
III. Duration of the obligation
10 Art. 144 para. 2 CO states that all of the debtors remain under the obligation until the entire claim has been redeemed.
11 Only effective payments or surrogate performances
12 If the performance is rendered impossible by circumstances not attributable to any of the joint and several debtors, the obligation is deemed extinguished (Art. 119 para. 1 CO).
Bucher Eugen, Schweizerisches Obligationenrecht Allgemeiner Teil ohne Deliktsrecht, 2nd ed., Zurich 1988.
Dispatch of the Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of 28 June 2006, Federal Gazette 2006, p. 7221 et seq.
Gauch Peter / Schluep Walter R. / Emmenegger Susan, Schweizerisches Obligationenrecht Allgemeiner Teil, Band II, 11th ed., Zurich / Basel / Geneva 2020.
Gautschi Alain, Solidarschuld und Ausgleich, diss., Zurich / St. Gallen 2009.
Geissbühler Grégoire, Le droit des obligations, Volume 1: partie générale, Geneva / Zurich / Basel 2020.
Graber Christoph K., in: Widmer Lüchinger Corinne / Oser David (eds.), Basler Kommentar, Obligationenrecht I, 7th ed., Basel 2020.
Huguenin Claire, Obligationenrecht Allgemeiner und Besonderer Teil, 3rd ed., Zurich / Basel / Geneva 2019.
Jung Peter, in: Honsell Heinrich (ed.), Kurzkommentar OR, Basel 2014.
Krauskopf Frédéric, Zürcher Kommentar, Die Solidarität, Art. 143-150 OR, 3rd ed., Zurich / Basel / Geneva 2016.
Kratz Brigitta, Berner Kommentar, Solidarität, Art. 143-150 OR, Bern 2015.
Mazan Stephan, in: Furrer Andreas / Schnyder Anton K. (eds.), Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht, Obligationenrecht Allgemeine Bestimmungen, 3rd ed., Zurich / Basel / Geneva 2016.
Müller Thomas, in: Kren Kostkiewicz Jolanta / Wolf Stephan / Amstutz Marc / Fankhauser Roland (eds.), OR Kommentar, 3rd ed., Zurich 2016.
Perritaz Vincent, Le concours d’actions et la solidarité, diss., Zurich / Basel / Geneva 2017.
Romy Isabelle, in: Thévenoz Luc / Werro Franz (eds.), Commentaire romand, Code des obligations I, 3rd ed., Basel 2021.
Tercier Pierre / Pichonnaz Pascal, Le droit des obligations, 6th ed., Geneva / Zurich / Basel 2019.
von Tuhr Andreas / Escher Arnold, Allgemeiner Teil des Schweizerischen Obligationenrechts, Band II, 3rd ed., Zurich 1974.