For Authors

Authors of the online commentary will find additional background information here. 

  • Language: the comments on the Online Commentary are in principle published in the official languages of Switzerland (German, French and Italian) as well as in English.

  • Commentary entry: A Word template can be downloaded here.

  • Volume and type of commentary: we do not necessarily expect an exhaustive but rather a concise commentary. The exact guidelines are defined by the respective publishers individually.

  • Peer review: each commentary published on the Online Commentary is peer reviewed. The peer review is carried out at least by the editor of the respective legislative act.

  • Uniform citation: cf. our citation guidelines in German or French.

  • Legibility of the commentary: the commentary must be written in a simple and understandable way. 

  • Language appropriate to genders: it is recommended that the authors of the Online Commentary ensure that the language used is appropriate to all genders. 

  • Publication contract. Among other things, the contract describes the procedure for the commentary, encourages the author to periodically revise his or her contribution, and regulates what happens if the author no longer wishes to continue the commentary. Unlike most existing commentaries, the copyright of the Online Commentary remains 100% with the author and there is no competition clause. The Online Commentary uses a Creative Commons license.